And The Rain Just Keeps Falling…

And The Rain Just Keeps Falling…

And, the rain just keeps falling… I was happy to see the rain at the beginning, but 10+ inches is a bit much in a week. We are sad to see those businesses and households that are dealing with flooding and so grateful to be just high enough that the river and creek...
When Everything in Farming Collides!

When Everything in Farming Collides!

June is going to be busy!! It’s when everything in farming collides… We are planting close to 1000 plants per week, still sowing hundreds of seeds, weeding, compost tea spraying, netting and harvesting spring flowers for your homes!  Some days can be...
May is here!

May is here!

May is here!  How did that happen?!  We’ve been so busy with new babies (both human and furry), transplanting, harvesting spring flowers, bouquet making and deliveries.  It’s been great!  I’m still pretty much in baby mode, but I do get to be in...

Extremely Grateful!

Maybe it’s the postpartum hormones, but I find myself wanting to cry all the time because of how joyful and grateful I am for my family, healthy new baby, farm team, babysitter, spouse, business partners, sales outlets, followers, and friends.  I figured bringing...
Say A Little Prayer, Then Let It Be

Say A Little Prayer, Then Let It Be

With a baby knocking on the door, this newsletter will be short and sweet!  As I write this on 2/23, i’m still pregnant, but that could change any day!  We can’t wait for this little boy to join our family…so he can just hurry up and “pop” on out. (As...
Hardy Annuals

Hardy Annuals

What are Hardy Annuals you may ask?  From Cool Flowers, “Hardy Annuals live for one year and survive cold temperatures.  Many are planted in the fall to winter-over and produce blooms the following spring and summer.  These flowers prefer growing in cool conditions.” ...