Start your own Cutting Garden from seed!

Start your own Cutting Garden from seed!

The weather is warming up, the crickets and frogs are singing...spring must be close!   If you are like me, you are finishing up planning your summer cutting garden.  It might just be a small bed in front of your house, or several rows in the...

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Tips and Tricks for DIY Flowers

Tips and Tricks for DIY Flowers

I put together this list based on my own DIY flower experience for my brother-in-law’s wedding.  I only have experience with using local, seasonal flowers. I’m not a florist, so these tips come from a real live amateur!    Connect with your local flower farmer a year...

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Why apples??

Why apples??

The day had finally come!  It was time to plant our precious baby apple trees.  I bet you’re wondering, why apples?  Well, let me give you a little background on this choice for our farm.  In the summer of 2018, I was dreaming big about what we...

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2019 – The year of family, self-care, and focus.

2019 – The year of family, self-care, and focus.

It’s almost the end of year and that comes with a lot of reflection.  My business coach suggested that I do a recap of 2018 to provide some closure, to start off on the right foot for 2019.  You guys, 2018 was crazy!  I sold a business, got pregnant, built a house...

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From 24 to 12

From 24 to 12

I want to talk about our first real failure as farmers. We started out with 24 chickens in April, and guess how many we have now, at the end of November?? As you might guess from the title, yes, it’s only 12. I expected to lose some due to the free-ranging nature of...

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Hello There!

Hello There!

I’ve decided to start blogging on the worst possible day ever…good idea, Joan!  Currently, I’ve got a sick 2 year old napping.  I was covered in all the poop and puke this morning.  Just glorious.  My mother-in-law is in town and my husband is consequentially out of...

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